Pricing list

Art By Sithkhaa

Payment Transactions can be done via PayPal Only.


These are base Prices. These are not the Finalized pricing of the character due to the nature that we have character design fee, which is provided further in this page.

Character Designing Fees

The ff. pricings are applied to all rendering styles.


Exceptions for NSFW:
Nudity is only accepted for character sheets. However, this only extends to the pectoral appendage for both male and female characters. Genitalia is strictly not included.
For clarifications, Please know the differences
Transmutation- like designs are accepted.


Semi-realism does not have definite line art rendering. The colors are blended, as well as the shadows. Below is an example

Cell-shaded, on the other hand, has definite line art rendering. The colors are solidly and separately rendered with the line art-- meaning neither blends with one another in contrast to semi-realism. Below is an example

Lastly, the line art. As the label suggest, its purely rendered as line art. Neither base color or solid shadows are visibly rendered onto the piece. However, tone-shading or shadows are also optional and DOES NOT have any additional charges. Below is an example


Payment transactions will only proceed If the commissioned Piece is fully Finished. Before the Client is to receive
the Piece, the artist will send a watermarked preview via email to reassure the Client. After then so that transaction will begin when both parties have come to an agreement. Consequently, the artist will then send the unwatermarked version.
However, under such cost Pricings per piece; for example, Pieces that exceed over
$200, the Client must agree to a partial-payment; the first-half even before the piece is made, and the second prior to the piece's preview sample is given to thee Client.
This is so to secure that expensive piece is actually being paid for and not being forgotten--- Thusly putting the artist's effort and work in vain.
In terms of deadlines, there will be an additional charge of $15 if the deadline is compacted within only a week (only applicable if the piece is requested to compose of characters more than 1 for both semi-realism and cell-shaded).

Should you have any Inquiry or wanting to have a Commissioned piece

Contact me